“Ten good reasons to choose a Archiloco school building
Our goal is to deliver you a nice comfortable low energy school with higth pedagogic contents. Our dream is that your children, every morning, expect impatiently the bell of the first start time. This is what our archietcture firm can do for you.
Archiloco associated claims a consolidated tradition in the design of learning spaces
We designed many schools, large and small, from kindergartens to universities. In all of them we tried to focus our attention on the student. The school should be a dynamic system, able to support the teaching, flexible and open to technology. The schools design must be based on didactic principles that facilitate the dialogue between architecture and education. Our classroom design, characterized by new modular, multifunctional, multimedia spaces, is able to transform the school in "third teacher" (1)
(1) In the belief that the space quality goes hand in hand with the learning quality, Loris Malaguzzi has defined the space as the "third teacher" (because the other two are: the other students and the teacher)
Places facilitating interpersonal exchanges, where meet, talk, socialize, became adult
We like to think that all our schools have hospitable, interesting and complex spaces, able to promote meeting, dialogue, socialization, collaboration. Flexible areas in which each person can find a dimension that is connected with his everyday feeling (2), buildings where you learn to express your ideas, to listen to others and to strive to understand them, where everyone uses their “right to speak” to establish rules and solve conflicts, becoming adults together.
(2)According to the "field theory" (Kurt Lewin), the perception of a space and of stimuli that provides us is strongly influenced by the state of the observer momentary mood.
We are used to dialogue with ownership and users to find a shared current concept for an open and plural school
Being an architect is a privilege which brings many responsibilities: it allows to imagine every day new volumes, spaces and objects, but also imposes the dialog with the land and the local culture, requires understanding the needs of the users and to interpret them by combining traditional materials and continually evolving technologies, some of which were not available just a few years ago.
Building solutions tailored like a bespoke suit
Each school is different. We can’t apply standard recipes. A custom-made project is created like a tailored suit, taking into account geographic position, climate incidence, users’ requirements, available economic resources, and so on. More and more often, the customers require the architect to design buildings able to minimize non-renewable resources consumption. It is a conscious desire to make a small but significant and individual contribution to the solution of a global problem and to take a small step on the long path of natural environment respect.
Shapes and colors connected with the landscape
We are lucky to live in landscapes carved from nature and cities which have been patiently built over millennia. We use them, we live in them, we admire them, we enjoy artworks and, therefore, we benefit from the commitment, the endeavor and the genius of our predecessors. In the same way, we have the duty to impart something that has a value, something that could be used in the future and that could bestow “safety, benefit and beauty” (3) to the life of those who will come after us.
(3) "All buildings must have soundness, utility and beauty" Vitruvius (about 80 BC - about 15 BC) is considered the most famous architecture theorist of all times.
Stimulating and cozy places built with healthy and natural materials
Over the years, we studied and experimented with different materials and technologies, appreciating their qualities and limits. We will continue, with curiosity, prudence and attention, to use what technological progress will put ad the disposal of the construction market, aiming to design more and more comfortable and efficient buildings for our children.
Durable surfaces, easy to keep clean, safe and officient, upgradable
Many years of experience in the school building design led us to select a catalog of technical solutions able to maintain over times their functionality, health and beauty standards. Durable and hygienic floors, dry built walls that can be easily removed to upgrade the inside facilities, paints that don’t release harmful vapors, stable and resistant windows, acoustic ceilings to reduce reverberation and allow to better hear the teachers’ voice. Building automation to save energy, program the controls, identify and remove failures, update technology to keep pace with the times.
Technologies used to save energies and to communicate sustainability to new generations
Thermal losses reduction, use of natural materials and exploitation of renewable resources are only the first step of a long path. We believe that one of the strengths of our projects consists in making readable the benefits that a good design brings to the school and to the daily lives of its inhabitants. Even the architect is a teacher, because it leaves signs on the landscape that should last in time and from which young people can learn. The school architecture can therefore be likened to a book, a medium that brings you to a future that is already available to us but we do not know.
Garden is the biggest classroom of the school
Participation to share choices, to become protagonists, to enhance the building’s hidden contents
A new school rising is a rare event that is worth enhancing. It’s difficult but not impossible to open the project up to the teachers and children’s needs, so they could live in a comfortable building which support their growth. Of course, it’s essential to find languages and modes of communication to make choices and technical contents understandable to the users. The most interesting moment is the visit to the construction site, where students can see the materials with their own eyes and understand that, under its skin, a building structure is made up of countless layers, like a living being. Both students and teachers participate with enthusiasm and interest. The engagement process allows to deepen concepts and knowledge in geography, science and technology. The process leads to experiment with new ways of interaction and cooperation, to develop vocabulary, stimulate creativity and gumption. In the images of Piobesi school opening, children seem proud to explain the constructive processes and the technical solutions adopted to the visitors. The book, which illustrates the entire construction process in which children and teachers have actively participated, manifesting a strong interest, was distributed to all households.
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