History counts

The endless and invaluable historical and architectural heritage of the Mediterranean area, bequeathed from our ancestors, must be safeguarded and preserved for future generations because it constitutes a mean of education and tourism development, as well as a valuable employment opportunity.



The conservation of the historical heritage

A design oriented to the reuse, as well as the conservation of the historical asset, must respect both the artifact and single elements. Uses have to be compatible with typological, formal and structural elements of the building. Therefore, great attention must be paid to the careful detection of geometrical and material survey and to the state of deterioration of the existing building, monitored through scientific diagnostics.

(1) Un “restauro filologico”, che promuove il consolidamento piuttosto che la che riparazione, il rispetto di tutte le parti di un edificio (anche quelle aggiunte nel corso della sua storia), la denuncia delle eventuali addizioni anziché la mimesi, attraverso la differenziazione mediante materiali, caratteri, textures che non alterino l’aspetto complessivo del monumento.


The language of Architecture

When the building is modified or degraded so much that some parts of the artifact are no longer visible and there is the opportunity or the need to integrate them, it is necessary to pay attention to the architectural language, the quality of materials and the texture of the surface finishes, by ensuring the clearness and reversibility of additions and innovations.

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